Is Laser Treatment Worth it for Acne and Scars

Yes absolutely! Laser skin care treatment work effectively to reduce acne and acne scars. However, the results of laser treatments differ from person to person. As every person is different and has a different skin type and skin issues, the results might also differ. Not only skin types but even acne scars are also different for every individual. These acne scars are removed with the help of laser techniques. Therefore, the result may not be general. We recommend consulting your family physician or the concerned dermatologist before you opt for laser treatment. If everything is fine, laser treatment is the best to treat acne scars. There are two lasers back-to-back. It starts blistering the face and gradually but tolerably feels like it's burning. It is a mild sensation of intense heat, which you might feel when you put an anesthetic cream on your skin. That's the only side-effect any normal skin would experience.