Does Laser Hair Removal Truly Offer Permanent Results?

When considering laser hair removal, one of the most common questions that arise is whether the results are truly permanent. Understanding the science behind laser hair removal can help clarify expectations and prepare for what results to realistically anticipate. Understanding Laser Hair Removal Laser hair removal is a popular cosmetic procedure that uses concentrated light to target and destroy hair follicles. The procedure aims to reduce unwanted hair over several sessions, focusing on the pigmentation in the hair to effectively reduce growth without harming surrounding skin. The Science Behind the Procedure The laser emits a light that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair. This light energy is converted to heat, which damages the follicle, hindering future hair growth. However, because hair grows in cycles (anagen, catagen, and telogen), not all hairs are affected at the same time. This is why multiple sessions are required to target hair in different growth phase...